Filaments and Bacteria...
Volume - 10...

Appendix - 4...

Assessment of a Plant Problem...

Questions to be considered :

( 1 ) The natural of the influent to be treated.
( 2 ) They type of plant e.g. Fixed Film, Oxidation Ditch, Activated Sludge.
( 3 ) The natural the problem ( a ) Is the problem temporary e.g. seasonal ? ( b ) Is the problem associated with inadequate biological activity, solids/liquid separation, inadequate pre-treatment ?
( 4 ) The hydraulic Load. The peak hydraulic load and when or how often does it peak. The average hydraulic load.
( 5 ) The BOD loading to the plant ( or COD).
( 6 ) Effluent Quality: Actual: BOD, COD, SOLIDS, AMMONIA. Required: BOD, COD, SOLIDS, AMMONIA.
( 7 ) The volume of the aeration basin/filter.
( 8 ) Is there pH control ?
( 9 ) Are flocculants added to improve settleability ?
( 10 )Are nutrients added to ensure C : N : P is about 100 : 5 : 1 ?
( 11 )Is there an effective process to remove solids ?
( 12 )What is the flow rate ( a ) Through the plant ? ( b ) To the aeration basin ?
( 13 )If an activated sludge plant. ( a ) What is the MLSS mg/l ? ( b ) D.O. mg/l ? ( c ) Sludge age ? ( d ) Temperature ?
( 14 )What is settlement like e.g.. from the aeration basin/oxidation ditch ?
( 15 )The sludge age.